FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING - This is the video of my senior show at Bennington College, in May 2022. It features Garrett Crusan on drums, Blair Jasper on synth, movement from Surabhee Arjunwadkar, Ulyana Shkel, and Zo Williams, and lighting design by Flo Gill.

FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING - “CONCRETE” is an experimental audio-visual work exploring the effects of chopping sound or video into 30-100 ms chunks, then rearranging those chunks in different sequences to obscure all characteristics of the original material.

FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING - here is a video I made in Blender for the opening track off my album “ORCHIDIST” with Garrett Crusan on drums. It’s focused around two-dimensional planes in 3D space, or something like that. 

A silly little video in the “make it look like there’s more than one of you” music video idiom. Recorded in the Deane Carriage Barn at Bennington College in the fall of 2020.

A rather brilliant video crafted by Flo Gill for one of the more meditative and drawn-out tracks of my recent album, “ORCHIDIST”, with Garrett Crusan on drums.

FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING - Yep, another video for that same album, I wanted to do music videos, so they happened. This is one is created, with a level of detail I can’t quite comprehend, by the inimitable Adam Chase